History of USS Lloyd Thomas (DD 764) 1970
On the first of the Year, LLOYD THOMAS administratively changed home port, to become a unit of Destroyer Squadron Eleven (DESDIV 111). Departure from Newport, Rhode Island was delayed until 4 April 1970.
During the remaining months on the East Coast, the ship participated in gunnery exercises, served in a burial at sea ceremony on February 17 and visited New York City on St. Patrick's Day. On 4 April 1970, LLOYD THOMAS departed Newport, Rhode Island on route to Pearl Harbour.
Six days later (10 April) she arrived in Limon Bay, Panama Canal Zone, refuelled and departed for San Diego, California. After a 3 day visit, LLOYD THOMAS departed for Pearl Harbour, arriving on 27 April 1970.
May, June and July (1970) passed as training months for LLOYD THOMAS personnel. Gunnery exercises were conducted as well as radar range calibration, the latter on 13 May at FORACS Range, Oahu.
On 12 August (1970), LLOYD THOMAS began her first WESTPAC (Western Pacific) deployment as a unit of CTU 15.8.6. Refuelling at Midway Island and at Guam, LLOYD THOMAS arrived at Subic Bay, Republic Of Philippines on 27 August (1970) to assume her role in the Seventh Fleet.
Prior to taking up position as (a) naval gunfire support unit off the Republic of Vietnam, LLOYD THOMAS participated in Amphibious Exercises ZAM 670.
Accompanying LLOYD THOMAS during these exercises was DESDIV 252, Captain Lewis, who broke his pennant in this ship on 31 August 1970. Upon compilation of these exercises, COMDESDIV 252 (Commander Destroyer Squadron) hauled down his pennant, and LLOYD THOMAS began gunfire support operations as a unit of TU 70.8.9 on (??) September 1970.
Four days later, LLOYD THOMAS was prematurely detached from TU 70.8.9 following an in-bore explosion in the toward gun mount, which killed three crewman and injured 10 others. During this gun line period, 100 rounds of ammunition were expended.
Following removal of the damaged gun mount in Subic Bay, LLOYD THOMAS was en route to Yankee Station on 20 September, 1970. Two days later she arrived at Yankee Station and continued her transit to Northern Search and Rescue (NSAR) Station, and operated there as a unit of TU 77.0.1 until 10 October when she returned to Subic Bay.